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Modelplatonism & Art

People accept quickly certain methods & models and moral beliefs. This means that critical reflection stops and these methods & models and beliefs become therefore an ideology. The ones in power controlling the narrative and therefore society, will frame each message each picture in such a way that their ideology (= fixed model that is not allowed to be changed) is promoted. For example the working method of labor immigration was accepted in the 60’s because the industry in the Netherlands needed cheap low skilled labor, quickly this method was made into an ideology in the 70’s by political parties who believed in multiculturalism based on the concept that all cultures are equal and can live without problems under one roof. The consequence of all this is that media will promote multiculturalism in every possible way and FRAME each event in a way that new cultures are not to blame for problems. They will even replace local identity and culture with the new culture instead of respecting BOTH the original culture and identity AND the new cultures and identities. 

Peter Hill Beard – Kamante

Peter Hill Beard - Kamante
Peter Hill Beard – Kamante

Another example are the NGO’s – which Peter Beard described in the 50/60’s – who came to “control” the wildlife in order to “safe” it. In this process they “accidentally” labeled hunters of traditional tribes as poachers and in the process destroyed the natural ecosystem. When we look at the Media then and now, we see that they keep FRAMING the wildlife organisations as the bringers of good and never will they question them. This is called modelplatonism and this is what Solomon and I talked about and what we are capturing with our art. This is done as follows: Solomon frames pictures to enrich the authentic story and to make the picture speak louder AND Solomon frames pictures of which he (or the general public) does not know the story and the culture and identity, to distort and erase the authentic story OR to speak the truth by framing it correctly.

To quote Solomon: “ we shall dress up / frame the ugliness (or beauty) in such a way that people see what we should be talking about instead of continuing the current frames/lies which distract from the real picture (=truth).”

(Painting of Coat of Arms by Maurits v. Falkenreck. Collage by Maurits v. Falkenreck. African Artwork by Solomon Wamisigo)

Painting is called: Longing for darkness till the End of darkness.

Kamante (on the right) were the eyes through which Baroness Karen Blixen captured the soul of Africa. Solomon Wamisigo were the eyes through which Peter Hill Beard captured the soul of Africa to make his photos speak louder and clearer

I used my knowledge of heraldry to create an alliance coat of arms between Baroness Karen Blixen and Peter Hill Beard (I created a coat of arms for Peter Hill Beard using the legacy of James Jerome Hill (Northern Railroad)). I merged the coat of arms because Peter and Karen are connected in the deepest way possible. I added my own signature by using elements of my own coat of arms (the horns with griffin and the wings)